What’s cyberNamunamu

“cyberNamunamu” explores new avenues of expression by blending Buddhist art, a realm rarely intersecting with technology art, with contemporary digital technologies. By combining traditional Buddhist teachings and aesthetics with modern digital techniques, we aim to offer innovative and interactive experiences to the general public while exploring new possibilities for Japanese culture. Viewing the newly emerged technology art through the lens of over 2,000 years of Buddhist art history allows for a multifaceted perspective and fosters the generation of unique ideas. This approach enriches our work and, we believe, enhances our ability to share Japanese culture with audiences both domestically and internationally.

Furthermore, while “cyber Namunamu” draws inspiration from Buddhist art, we respect all beliefs, including different religions, sects, and atheism. We maintain independent operations without receiving support from any specific religious groups or supporting religious activities, ensuring creative freedom.



Message from the Representative

Madoka Kohno

Born in 1984 in Hiroshima (third-generation survivor of the atomic bomb). I was diagnosed with ADHD and often struggled with feelings of unease, which at times developed into bouts of depression*.* In 2018, a YouTube recommended video introduced me to “Techno Hoyo,” and out of curiosity, I listened to it. I was immediately captivated.

As I continued to listen daily, my condition eased, and I naturally began to feel more at peace. Wanting to share this benefit with others through art, I began the activities of Cyber Namunanamu, a creator group exploring new forms of expression by blending Buddhist art with technology art.

Through our activities, we have integrated various technologies with Buddhist art, including AR, VR, ultra-high-definition, social media integration, NFTs, AI, vital signs, and GIS. As the representative of Cyber Namunanamu, I lead our group, but the work is a collaborative effort of many creators specializing in music, video, system development, and merchandise production. We create our works as a united team. We hope that, in addition to our Cyber Namunanamu pieces, the works of each creator will also reach a wide audience through this booklet.

Lastly, to those who have picked up this booklet and to everyone who continuously supports us, thank you.

1984年生まれ 広島出身(被爆三世) 私はADHDの診断を受け、鬱を発症することもあり、生き辛さを感じておりました。2018年、YouTubeのおすすめ動画で「テクノ法要」が出てきて、試しに聞いたところ、その世界観に引き込まれました。 毎日聞いていく中で、状態が緩和し、自然と気持ちが楽になりました。 この恩恵を私がいただくだけではなく、アートを通じ多くの方に恩返しできればと思い、仏教美術とテクノロジーアートを融合した新しい表現法を模索するクリエイターグループであるサイバー南無南無の活動を始めました。 活動の中でAR、VR、超高画質、SNS連動、NFT、AI、バイタルサイン、GISなど様々な技術を仏教美術と融合させてきました。 私がサイバー南無南無の代表をしておりますが、サイバー南無南無は音楽・映像・システム開発・グッズ制作など、多くのクリエイターが共同で作業しており、グループ全員で作っているものです。サイバー南無南無の作品はもちろんですが、冊子を通じ、各クリエイターの方々の作品も多くの人の目に止まれば幸いだと考えております。 最後になりましたが、この冊子を手に取ってくださっている方、そしていつも応援してくださっているみなさま、ありがとうございます。

Our Team

Shinji Fukinbara
冨金原 真慈


Head minister of Jodo Shinshu Honganji-ha Renkyouji temple In charge of sutra
reading for cyberNamunamu
3D creator Creating a metaverse temple and disseminating Japanese Buddhist culture


Ryoji Sato
佐藤 亮爾

Music Composer

Composer and arranger of cyberNamunamu.
He released his first album under the name HEADPHONES REMOTE in 2003 on a Japanese independent label, and has since released a third album. He also produces music videos for HEADPHONES REMOTE’s songs.

HEADPHONES REMOTE名義で2003年に日本のインディーズレーベルからファーストアルバムをリリースし、その後サードアルバムまでリリースしている。



Jodo Shinshu Honganji-ha monk In charge of sutra reading for cyberNamunamu

浄土真宗本願寺派 僧侶

Yuki Kawamura


In recent years, she has been involved in a wide range of activities, including DJing, music direction for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and producing music for the open world RPG “CYBERPUNK 2077”.

東京オリンピック及びパラリンピックの会場DJ及び音楽演出、オープンワールドRPG「CYBERPUNK 2077」楽曲プロデュースなど、活動は多岐に2010年より古民家をリノベしたDJバー「渋谷花魁」を運営中。

Contact us!

Feel free to contact us with any questions about cyberNamunamu